Thursday, August 25, 2016

Adding More Hours to the Day

We have all needed extra help at one point or another.  For instance, we have called pizza delivery, the plumber, the babysitter, etc.   I recently had a client who needed more help at home, and we decided to set up a trust to free up her time.   A trust allows her to focus on priorities while someone else pays the bills, manages her investments, and does her taxes.  In situations like this one, regulated entities such as banks manage client affairs.  However, clients can maintain control and flexibility.  This allows them to end the trust if they no longer want the help.

I am sure you are thinking, "yes, that all sounds great for the rich and famous"… However, the fantastic part about this story is that my client was just an ordinary lady from small town America.  Many Americans can use trusts to leverage more time or to reduce responsibility.  The only real catch is that laws vary by state.  So you should meet with a local estate planning attorney before you get started. 

This post is written for educational purposes and does not create a lawyer client relationship.

Friday, August 5, 2016

More life changing than Pokémon Go

Law school is a life changing experience and will do more than augment your reality.  Check out the scholarships from the Kansas Bar Association.

Awards vary from $1,000 to $2,000.  Go to

This post is written for educational purposes and does not create a lawyer client relationship.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Life does not need to be a Worst Lawyer Ever episode

Americans spend a lot of time laughing at videos like the Worst Lawyer Ever (go to  While it is fun to laugh, it does nothing to help the people who must participate in the system.  We need to help them find good attorneys.

If you need legal help the quickest fix is to ask for a referral from someone who works with the legal community.  For example, if you need to get a divorce, ask an attorney who is not in competition with divorce attorneys for a referral.  You can ask an attorney who works in government law, you can ask an attorney who practices in business law, you can ask a criminal defense lawyer, and so forth.  Conversely, if you need someone to draft a will then it would be a good idea to ask lawyers who only do family law, because they are not trying to sell their services.  People who work with attorneys such as accountants, financial planners, etc. can also be great resources.

If there is no way to find someone to give you a referral then you can check public records.  It is not hard to find out who is getting into trouble.  If you are in Kansas, you can look up your attorney for free and from a legitimate source.  This information comes from the government and is objective (see 

If you don't live in Kansas and want to find the bar admission agency in your state the ABA has a map with information.  Just click on your state ( Your bar admission agency should be able to tell you how to determine if an attorney is licensed.

This post is written for educational purposes and does not create a lawyer client relationship.


How to Help Fund Free Legal Services

There are many people who need legal services who cannot afford them.  Legal services can make a real difference for these families.  You can help support Kansas Legal Services without spending any extra money.  Just use their link when you shop on Amazon.  I have used the link many times, and I  had great experiences.

How to Support Kansas Legal Services

Check out  Then use the search function to find and select Kansas Legal Services, Inc. as your charity.

This post is written for educational purposes and does not create a lawyer client relationship.